iMDB Rating: 5.1
Date Released : 1 October 1991
Genre : Drama, Thriller
Stars : Linda Blair, Jerome Ehlers, Donal Gibson, Stephen Leeder
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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Leonie Stevens, a bored hairdresser, is caught up with a drifter who claims he's in the car business, and has a strong interest in avoiding the law. But as they travel through New South Wales, a corpse is left behind them, and she begins to wonder just how far he will go, and what she will do to help him.
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Review :
An erotic thriller distinctive only in its geographical location
The following is a review of the R-rated 89-minute version of Fatal Bond (1993). This movie has been rated on the basis of how well an erotic thriller it is and not in comparison to other genres.
A hairdresser named Leonie Stevens (Linda Blair), she of gorgeous full-bodied crimped strands, runs off with some fellow, Joe (Jerome Ehlers), a man who may or may not be a multiple murderer.
Fatal Bond is an R-rated only erotic thriller. As far as I know, an unrated version of it was never made or has never been released. As such, it doesn't contain much skin, compared to other ERs of its time period. There is a bit of nudity a brief shower scene featuring the bosomy Linda Blair but the image is unclear, due to the partially obstructive semi-transparent glass on the closed doors to the stall. In fact, for an ER the film is unusually inhibited in the exhibition department. In most ERs there are obligatory shots of gratuitous nudity. Not here. Even in those scenes where the opportunity for nudity exists, nudity is omitted. Consider the shot that has Ms. Stevens getting dressed, as she slips into her dress pants from her bathrobe without removing the article of clothing, so as not to expose the heroine even in lingerie.
And yet, Fatal Bond remains erotic in places.
The winnowed moments calculated: There are 2 sex scenes, both between the two leads. The first takes place inside a motel room and the second inside of a camper (the two participants make it shake). Highlighting here erotic number 1: This has the voluptuous Ms. Stevens mounting her lover wearing only a shortish nightie. ("Was she good? Better than me?") Although non-explicit, this particular WM demonstrates that a sex scene needn't necessarily contain nudity for it to be erotic. Leonie moans, she pants, and the scene finishes in a culmination; the woman winded from the experience, and satisfied, having been brought to orgasm.
Eroticism aside, where Fatal Bond fails is in its writing, the screenplay.
Case in point: After bailing out some Aussie in a watering hole, the buxom Ms. Stevens (clad in loose-fitting blouse and slacks), departs the joint with the transient, hopping inside of his car. The fact that he's somehow in trouble with the law and on the lam doesn't seem to concern her. No sooner is Leonie smooching with this shady character, making out in the front-seat of his vehicle. She even invites this probable parolee, escapee, or ex-yardbird inside, for a roll in the sack. Besides this caddish fellow being a complete stranger, and an absconder, he also has just shown a violent streak and a rebellious side minutes ago inside the bar. We sit and wonder whether Leonie Stevens is completely out of her mind. As if this wasn't enough, she ends up eloping with the malcontent. What about her job at the salon? Does she quit it? I don't know. What about her friends, and doesn't she have any family that she'd be leaving behind? For that matter, it's also somewhat unbelievable that the attractive Leonie isn't already romantically involved in the first place, let alone is willing to drop everything and run off with some bloke she just met only hours earlier. Maybe it's because this Aussie, Joe, is loaded. Not when they're living out of motel rooms and trailer parks. Just what does Leonie see in this guy, enough to fall head over heels, and pack up her belongings and skedaddle off to some new town with him? It is there she discovers that Joe is also a masher, has a wandering eye, and is a fast-mover with the women he encounters. Still, the knowledge that Joe's a pickup artist doesn't overly faze Leonie. Only when the sister of a hodad turns up slain and her suspicions aroused as to whether Joe may be responsible for her death does Leonie begin having doubts about whether or not she may have gotten mixed up with the wrong man. The impulsiveness and naiveté of this woman is occasionally absolutely mind-boggling.
What helps in adding another "star" to my astral rating of this movie is its choice of location shooting: that of a sunny, picturesque Australian coastal town.
As outlined, Fatal Bond does contain both an erotic as well as a thriller element. Its upside: Its hot (though unrevealing) sex scenes, its Australian setting, and a convincing performance turned in by Jerome Ehlers. Its downside: An overdressed heroine whose behavior and actions are at times implausible and contemptible, however understandable these may be in their existing as glaring plot contrivances.
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